Are you there Sants? It's me, Marcie
Sorry I missed your call, I was working my abs. I'd love to get together next week, just let me know what time works best for you. And don't worry about the job thing. I know I left it way too long! I appreciate you putting the feeling out there though.
Okay, don't call me greedy, but I have one more favour to ask. This one's actually more important than the job thing. This sweet little gal by the name of Hammy (Hamster on her papers, Hams to her friends) took herself on a little walk Sunday night and hasn't returned home yet. Her family is worried sick! I thought I'd mention it since you know such a huge network of people. She's incredibly affectionate and is very close to her family. What she lacks in book smarts she more than makes up in social skills. She lives in Mission, so if you hear anything, can you give me a shout? It's getting pretty cold out (I know, I know, it's nothing compared to the pole!) and she's got a brand new fluffy bed waiting for her at home. Here's a picture of her, so give me shout if you see or hear of anything?
I really appreciate your help, Sants! You're the best.
Love, Marcie
PS She's already been through some rough stuff. She doesn't deserve anymore. She's a survivor, we all know it. We don't need it proved to us again!