Monday, July 6, 2009

Letters From Mickey pt 2

Mickey is 32 and his brother James is 30. James still talks a lot and tries to impress Mickey. Mickey is still strong, thoughtful and quiet.

James studied engineering and moved to New York. He's engaged. His fiance is expecting. He deposits money into his mother's account at the beginning of every month. She refuses. She's proud. They fight. She threatens to give the money back. He calms her down. She accepts the money.

His mother doesn't have a husband. Mickey and James don't have a father. He would drink. He would beat their mother. He would pass out. Their mother would send them on "missions" when things got bad. She would ask for a perfectly round rock. She would ask for a hatched robin's egg. She would ask for a wild red rose. One day she asked for help. When help arrived, their father was dead and their mother was shaking.

Mickey lives with his mother. He works at the mill. He plays hockey. He doesn't have a girlfriend. He receives an anonymous letter once a week from Kingston, Ontario.

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